Functions | Variables
verification_HitsChargeTime.C File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TLegend.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "WCSimRootEvent.hh"
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int verification_HitsChargeTime (const char *filename="wcsimtest.root", const char *filename2="../../WCSim_clean/verification-test-scripts/wcsimtest.root", bool verbose=false)
c1 Divide (2, 2)
c1 cd (1)
hits2 SetLineColor (kRed)
hits Draw ()
hits2 Draw ("SAME")
leg SetFillColor (0)
leg SetBorderSize (0)
leg AddEntry (hits, filename, "l")
leg AddEntry (hits2, filename2, "l")
c1 cd (2)
charge GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("Total Charge / # digitized hits")
c1 cd (3)
c1 cd (4)
hit_pmts2 Draw ("same")
gStyle SetOptStat (1)
gStyle SetOptFit (111)
t_q Draw ("colz")


Double_t ks_hits = hits->KolmogorovTest(hits2)
Double_t ks_charge = charge->KolmogorovTest(charge2)
Double_t ks_time = time->KolmogorovTest(time2)
cout<< "***********************************************************"<< endl;cout<< "ks test for # of digitized hits: "<< ks_hits<< endl;cout<< "ks test for average charge: "<< ks_charge<< endl;cout<< "ks test for average time: "<< ks_time<< endl;float win_scale=0.75;int n_wide(2);int n_high(2);TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1", "Test Plots", 500 *n_wide *win_scale, 500 *n_high *win_scale);c1-> Draw ()
TLegend * leg = new TLegend(0.2,0.7,0.55,0.85, "")
TCanvas * c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "Test Plots", 500*n_wide*win_scale, 500*n_high*win_scale)
TCanvas * c3 = new TCanvas()
TCanvas * c4 = new TCanvas()
TCanvas * c5 = new TCanvas()

Function Documentation

◆ AddEntry() [1/2]

leg AddEntry ( hits  ,
filename  ,

◆ AddEntry() [2/2]

leg AddEntry ( hits2  ,
filename2  ,

◆ cd() [1/4]

c3 cd ( )

◆ cd() [2/4]

c3 cd ( )

◆ cd() [3/4]

c3 cd ( )

◆ cd() [4/4]

c3 cd ( )

◆ Divide()

c3 Divide ( ,

◆ Draw() [1/4]

hits Draw ( )

◆ Draw() [2/4]

hits2 Draw ( "SAME"  )

◆ Draw() [3/4]

hit_pmts2 Draw ( "same"  )

◆ Draw() [4/4]

t_q Draw ( "colz"  )

◆ GetXaxis()

time GetXaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("Total Charge / # digitized hits")

◆ SetBorderSize()

leg SetBorderSize ( )

◆ SetFillColor()

leg SetFillColor ( )

◆ SetLineColor()

charge2 SetLineColor ( kRed  )

◆ SetOptFit()

gStyle SetOptFit ( 111  )

◆ SetOptStat()

gStyle SetOptStat ( )

◆ verification_HitsChargeTime()

int verification_HitsChargeTime ( const char *  filename = "wcsimtest.root",
const char *  filename2 = "../../WCSim_clean/verification-test-scripts/wcsimtest.root",
bool  verbose = false 

Definition at line 17 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

Variable Documentation

◆ c2

TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "Test Plots", 500*n_wide*win_scale, 500*n_high*win_scale)

Definition at line 238 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

◆ c3

TCanvas* c3 = new TCanvas()

Definition at line 252 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

◆ c4

TCanvas* c4 = new TCanvas()

Definition at line 268 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

◆ c5

TCanvas* c5 = new TCanvas()

Definition at line 272 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

◆ Draw

nhit_pmt Draw ( )

Definition at line 208 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

◆ ks_charge

Double_t ks_charge = charge->KolmogorovTest(charge2)

Definition at line 196 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

◆ ks_hits

Double_t ks_hits = hits->KolmogorovTest(hits2)

Definition at line 195 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

◆ ks_time

Double_t ks_time = time->KolmogorovTest(time2)

Definition at line 197 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

◆ leg

TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.2,0.7,0.55,0.85, "")

Definition at line 215 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.

◆ return


Definition at line 275 of file verification_HitsChargeTime.C.